

Hi šŸ‘‹ everyone. I'm Tanishq Agarwal, and I'm a pre-final year student at JUET. I am a Golang enthusiast who likes working in an agile environment on projects and I love building stuff with Go. I am proficient in various other tools and frameworks in the DevOps industry and I love working with them. Take a look at them below. Iā€™m currently working on Zephyr using Go and ORMs like MUX šŸ‘Øā€šŸ’». I'm also an ex-intern at Trustique Assist Ovt Ltd., where I had the privillage to develop a backend for the enterprise from scratch and deploy it securely. I am excited to join a new organization and bring the difference to them as well.
Iā€™m currently learning Microservices, Hono, Cloud Networking & DevOps.
Live Todos
Review backend code for optimization
Update frontend with new user interface design
Test application for bugs
Document changes and updates

šŸ”„ Find me

šŸ–‡ļø Or at my socials
Twitter ā€¢ GitHub ā€¢ LinkedIn
type Profile struct { Name string Handle string Location string Languages []string Projects int Stars int Followers int } func main() { // Constructing the Profile object pegasus := Profile{ Name: "Tanishq Agarwal", Handle: "@047pegasus", Location: "India", Languages: []string{"Golang", "Python", "C++", "C", "Javascript", "bash"}, Projects: 3, Stars: 11 } }

Made with šŸ”„ for all the devs out there !!